Friday, February 28, 2020



The shipping industry is a huge industry globally as well as nationally i.e. Canada wide. Hundreds and thousands of ships are moving daily in the oceans, dealing with passengers, cargo ships, or other ships that are needed for their particular reasons. In the cargo industry, it’s important to realize that how costs should be reduced and the factors that help in the reduction of costs.  
Shipping costs vary because of package dimensions and weight of the package, the distance covered in all, the tracking & insurance services, the customs & duties & finally the handling charges. 
Minimizing the costs is the best way to deal with the drawbacks in the shipping industry. However, the cost factor is just something that is variable as it depends on the distance of the journey and the type of goods that the vehicle is carrying. According to customs and duties importance is given to USPS customs information, FedEx guide to customs, & Canada post customs and duties information. The insurance of products and goods on the ship is for the assurance of customers and tracking of the items on board. These can also be cut down through having better options for securing the goods and tracking of the products for customer’s peace of mind. We are not dealing with these things on a rare basis. These are things that are dealt with on a daily basis and need huge attention by the crew on board. Having the best insurance company to ensure goods and products onboard is not the only answer. This can also be achieved at lower costs through onboard training of crew members regarding the safety of products. 
Finally, the factor of distance is always there in affecting the costs. Have a look through the online calculator like the one on e-Shipper as it is a Canadian shipping company. 

Courtesy by: MBE Blog

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